发明名称 Spoken language teaching system based on language unit segmentation
摘要 A computer assisted learning system includes a presentation device that reproduces audio information to provide an audiovisual presentation for perception by a user and includes a presentation speed selector that controls speed of the audiovisual presentation, wherein the audio information includes spoken words and the presentation speed is controlled by the speed selector in accordance with an adjustable language units per minute presentation speed of the audio information. User oral responses to trigger events are recorded, and language unit segmentation is preformed to identify language units of spoken words in terms of their phonetics, pitch, duration, and energy, from which user errors in phonetics, stress, rhythm, and intonation may be identified. In another aspect of the system, corrective feedback is provided to guide the user in changing the user's oral responses to provide correct spoken responses.
申请公布号 AU3962702(A) 申请公布日期 2002.07.01
申请号 AU20020039627 申请日期 2001.12.18
分类号 G09B7/02;G09B19/04;G09B19/06 主分类号 G09B7/02
代理机构 代理人