发明名称 Board game simulating mountain climbing
摘要 A board game representing mountain climbing includes two or more separate paths, one path for each player to follow. Four paths are shown on the board illustrated. Each player has a playing token, and a "back-up" playing token. Movements of the playing tokens are determined by use of a "random event generator" and a random number generator. The number shown by the random number generator determines the number of spaces that one or both tokens are moved, while the random event generator determines which of the two tokens is moved, and in which direction. Symbols on the board, such as snowflake symbols, represent hazards. If a token lands on a hazard symbol, then a card is drawn from a pack. The card may contain instructions for an event to occur, or alternatively maybe an "event negating card", that functions like a "get out of jail free card". If the card suggests that an event is to occur, then the player follows the instructions immediately. If the card is an "event negating card", the player may retain it for use later.
申请公布号 NZ334630(A) 申请公布日期 2002.06.28
申请号 NZ19990334630 申请日期 1999.03.11
分类号 A63F3/04;(IPC1-7):A63F3/04 主分类号 A63F3/04
代理机构 代理人