发明名称 System, method, and device for an interactive messenger
摘要 An interactive messenger method sends a computer-controlled interactive agent to a recipient via a communication channel such as email. A sender of the messenger provides content specific to one or many recipients and typically has a particular objective for sending the messenger, such as to invite the recipient to an event, introduce the sender to a new product, or conduct a survey. When the recipient selects a link in the received email message, an interaction between the messenger and recipient is initiated, for example, through a desktop application that opens on the recipient's computer. In addition to having a standard character persona, the agent delivers to and receives from the recipient specific information tailored to the recipient or the sender. For example, a Naughty Cupid messenger invites the recipient on a date, on behalf of a sender, but can also engage in conversation related to Cupid's personality and history. The interaction is mixed initiative: the messenger completes an agenda but also responds to questions or comments initiated by the recipient. The messenger can be sent through any communication channel such as email, telephone, personal digital assistant (PDA), or wireless device.
申请公布号 US2002054072(A1) 申请公布日期 2002.05.09
申请号 US20000738874 申请日期 2000.12.15
分类号 G06Q10/00;(IPC1-7):G09G5/00 主分类号 G06Q10/00
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