发明名称 Amplitude and phase surface consistent deconvolution
摘要 Surface consistent deconvolution is commonly applied to seismic data, based on the assumption that the seismic trace consists of the convolution of wavelets which are consistent for sources, receivers, offsets and common mid-points for all the data. These wavelets are usually separated in the Log-Fourier domain, where the convolution becomes a summation. This produces an amplitude spectra. But the phase spectra is usually derived by other means as the phase spectra is wrapped between Ò f . Assumptions about the phase spectra may be made to derive the phase spectra from the amplitude spectra, or some ad hoc process of unwrapping the phase so that the phase can be partitioned between the four components. A method is described here where the phase is not unwrapped but transformed so that it can be operated on by the same matrix operator generated for the amplitude spectra. Thus, solutions for the phase spectra for the four components are produced without relying on assumptions and with little extra computational expense. The method is demonstrated on some example ultrasonic data on a concrete block.
申请公布号 GB0129463(D0) 申请公布日期 2002.01.30
申请号 GB20010029463 申请日期 2001.12.10
分类号 G01V1/36 主分类号 G01V1/36
代理机构 代理人