摘要 <p>A precessional gyroscopic exercise device includes a housing (5) containing a tiltable rotor assembly (4). The housing (5) and the rotor assembly may be coupled together by a tilt assembly (12) that defines a fixed precession axis for the rotor (4) assembly and allows the rotor assembly to be tilted relative to the fixed precession axis. When the rotor (4) is spinning, and the rotor assembly is tilted contact between the spinning axle (6) and the interior surfaces of a circumferential channel in the housing causes the rotor assembly to rotate about the fixed precession axis, producing a gyroscopic precessional torque this torque, and resultant wobbling of the device, is opposed by the user for the exercise effect. The tilting mechanism may be associated with handles (12) on the outside of the device, allowing the user to selectively control the tilting of the rotor assembly. The handles (12) may be rotatably coupled to the device, permitting operation of the device using a pedalling motion. The handles are preferably located on the device on or near the precession axis. An alternate embodiment of the device has no tilting assembly or channel, and the spin and/or precession of the rotor assembly is motor-driven.</p>
申请公布号 WO2001085261(A2) 申请公布日期 2001.11.15
申请号 US2001014893 申请日期 2001.05.09
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人