发明名称 Sikkerhetssystem mot ulovlig bruk eller kopiering av elektronisk data
摘要 The invention hereby presented is a security system against illegal use and/or copy of electronic data. This security system protects electronic data against being used and/or copied by users that have not purchased this right from the respective producer/provider. The security system consists in four parts, namely; a computer program or any other form of electronic data that has to be protected (electronic data 9), a physical key containing key information (physical key 10), a component that generates the physical key (component 1) and a component that reads and updates the key information in the physical key (component 11). The minimum information the physical key should contain is am identity that identifies the physical key (identity 3), a counter that registers the number of time the protected electronic data is installed (counter 4) and a link to the electronic data to be protected (application identity 5). In addition, the physical dey can also contain a limit value that establishes the limit to the maxim;um number a protected electronic data can be installed (limit value 6). If this limit value is not contained by the physical key, the limit value has to be contained by the electronic data to be portected of by the respective installation program. When the electronic data is installed, the physical key has to be in place for the process to be carried out. The counter in the physical key is then compared with the limit value. If the counter in less than the limit value, the electronic data is installed and the counter updated (counter=counter+1). When the uninstallation process is started, the physical key has also to be in place. In this case, the counter is reduced (counter=counter-1). The physical key loses its functionality if the key information it contains is manually changed. Copies of the physical key are not functional.
申请公布号 NO311197(B1) 申请公布日期 2001.10.22
申请号 NO20000001066 申请日期 2000.03.02
分类号 G06F1/00;G06F21/00;G06F21/10;(IPC1-7):G06F17/60 主分类号 G06F1/00
代理机构 代理人