发明名称 Decorative candle display and method of formation
摘要 A decorative candle display including a transparent container with an interior wall surface having disposed thereon a transparent combustible gelatinous liner. Situated on the liner is at least one shaped generally opaque structure fabricated of an opaque combustible wax material and a transparent combustible gelatinous material. An opaque combustible filler material is disposed within the container interiorly from the liner and visible therethrough, and a wick extends exteriorly from the filler material. Glitter particulate can be included in the liner to enhance glisten, while pigment and/or fragrance can be incorporated within the gelatinous and/or filler materials. The candle display is formed by coating a heat-melted transparent combustible gelatinous material onto the interior wall of the container, cooling and solidifying it to form a gelatinous liner, positioning the at least one opaque structure onto the liner, pouring a heat-melted opaque combustible filler material into the container interiorly of the liner and surrounding a previously placed wick, and finally cooling and solidifying the filler material to thereby complete the candle display.
申请公布号 US6299435(B1) 申请公布日期 2001.10.09
申请号 US20010767211 申请日期 2001.01.22
分类号 C11C5/00;F21S13/12;F23D3/16;(IPC1-7):F23D13/16 主分类号 C11C5/00
代理机构 代理人