发明名称 Bladed water meter with 50 millimetre bore and 54 mm external diameter for domestic and commercial use
摘要 The invention concerns a bladed water meter with a 50 millimetre bore and a 54 millimetre external diameter for domestic and commercial use whereof the first inventive characteristic consists in a function of three variables z=hx + sy + gu + i with h, s, g, coefficients x, y, g of the variables, i a constant, the variables represent respectively the weight, the revolutions, pressure level, 3/4( three quarters an exponent), the function Z its determination and its resolution is the object of the main disclosure, said function determines the weight x for which the blade is constant in a single iterative procedure, that is z=1, the blade is pressed by minimum water as concerns the part of the spot system by maximum water as concerns the maximum system; a second inventive characteristic represented by the spots: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 pertaining to the applications A, B, C, each spot representing a blade; a third inventive characteristic two cubic spots: cube 1 and cube 2, their length should be equal to the perimeter (alpha revolutions) when z=1, the sum of their length should be equal to the length of minimum pressure, the two cubes are in the relationship not distorting the count of the meter; and a fourth inventive characteristic a maximum system starts when spot 5 is reached which is triggered by an amount K1, the system is maintained open by an amount K1=K2, the system is stopped by the drop in the capacity level of the pipe having a 3.04 cm diameter; x the weight is determined by first selecting a weight x, a height (u), revolutions generated by said height (y), and then by keeping the variables u, y with z=1 and the unknown, the weight x = z-sy<3/4>-gu-i/h. The embodiment and the explanation for the operating conditions of the meter are provided by the drawings 1/6 to 6/6 referred to in the main disclosure.
申请公布号 AU2213401(A) 申请公布日期 2001.08.20
申请号 AU20010022134 申请日期 2001.01.09
分类号 G01F1/05 主分类号 G01F1/05
代理机构 代理人