发明名称 Pulverisation chamber - for deposition of thin films
摘要 <p>The chamber is divided into three coaxial parts, a central small dia. chamber which is the pulverisation chamber proper, and two larger dia, chambers which acts as impurity traps. The chamber is double walled and is cooled by circulation of fluid. The interior walls are coated with a layer of insulating material after assembly to protect them from deposition of pulverised material and the targets and cathode are protected by guards. The cathode is located in a curved chimney to retain its impurities. The targets are fixed to the chamber walls by means of a metal plate which is welded to the walls so that they are also cooled.</p>
申请公布号 FR2083739(A5) 申请公布日期 1971.12.17
申请号 FR19700009978 申请日期 1970.03.19
申请人 ANVAR 发明人
分类号 C23C14/34;H01J37/34;(IPC1-7):23C15/00;01L19/00 主分类号 C23C14/34
代理机构 代理人