发明名称 Cement composition
摘要 <p>A cement admixture comprised of a mixture of certain alkyl ether oxyalkylene adducts with certain oxyalkylene glycols to provide cement compositions of mortar and concrete which inhibit drying shrinkage while permetting substantial air entrainment and enhanced compressive strength.</p>
申请公布号 PH11995050129(B1) 申请公布日期 2001.05.16
申请号 PH19290000501 申请日期 1995.03.15
申请人 发明人
分类号 C04B;C04B24/00;C04B24/02;C04B24/32;C04B28/02;C04B103/30;C04B103/60 主分类号 C04B
代理机构 代理人