发明名称 Means for encoding of numeric sequences
摘要 A means for encoding of numeric sequences, especially for encoding of PINs of bank cards, mobile telephones, etc., which contains a table consisting of columns and rows of numbers from 0 to 9. The means consists of a record register and a numeric table, where the numbers in the table are organized into basic groups containing at least one column with the number of positions at least p + 1, where p is a positive integer equal to the number of all possible numbers which can create a numeric sequence. The basic group contains at least once every randomly selected number from the sequence from 0 to 9 and at least one free position. Randomly selected numbers from the numeric sequence from 0 to 9 in the first column of the basic group are randomly distributed in all first columns of all basic groups. The second and each subsequent column of all basic groups contains at least once any of the remaining numbers from 0 to 9 and the record register contains at least z basic groups, where z is the number of digits in the code and the size of grid corresponds to that of the distribution of numbers in the numeric table.
申请公布号 AU7640600(A) 申请公布日期 2001.04.23
申请号 AU20000076406 申请日期 2000.10.12
分类号 G09C1/02;G07F7/10;G09C1/04 主分类号 G09C1/02
代理机构 代理人