发明名称 Priority storage system for fast memory devices
摘要 A process and implementing computer system for graphics applications in which information files such as texture maps (TMs) are prioritized and stored in a relatively fast local memory. The method of prioritization includes initially sorting the information files by order of the frequency with which corresponding graphics primitive elements are called by the application. The priority is adjusted such that the smaller TMs get an increase in their priority so that more TMs may be placed in faster graphics memory. Thereafter among similarly prioritized groups of information files, the larger of the files are first stored in the fast local memory and the remaining files are marked for storage in the system memory after the fast local memory has been fully utilized. A searching routine enables an identification of available or free storage space in the local memory and the method further compares individual texture map files with available free memory space to optimize storage of the texture maps on a priority basis to the fast local memory.
申请公布号 US6121974(A) 申请公布日期 2000.09.19
申请号 US19960670299 申请日期 1996.06.27
分类号 G06F12/00;G06T1/60;G06T11/20;G06T15/00;(IPC1-7):G06T11/00 主分类号 G06F12/00
代理机构 代理人