摘要 <p>A computer-implemented method and system for allowing Java classes to be shared among many Java virtual machines (JVMs) including a communication system allowing Java and native applications to readily interoperate. An implementation of the JVM on an operating system platform, e.g., the Aperios AV/OS, allows a variety of applications including desktop applications, applets and Internet based applications, home networking applications, MHEG-6 applets, gaming, gaming applications and next generation audio visual applications to operate with the operating system. The present invention provides a shared memory pool (SMP) into which a JVM and store and register a particular Java class. The stored and registered Java class is then accessible by other JVMs using the SMP and a Java layer class manager that is implemented in software. The Java layer class manager requires other JVMs to access a key for the stored class in order to synchronize access to the Java class among several installed and operating JVMs of the computer system. By sharing common Java classes in this fashion, the memory resource overhead required to operate multiple JVMs on a common computer system is drastically reduced thereby allowing a multiple JVM platform to be operable on an embedded computer system. A novel communication method is also disclosed for communicating information between a JVM application and a native application using the computer system's operating system. The novel communication method also allows multiple JVM applications to communicate using the shared memory pool. These functions are incorporated into a JavaLayer that supports the full PersonalJavaTM platform.</p>
申请公布号 WO2000052572(A1) 申请公布日期 2000.09.08
申请号 US1999028859 申请日期 1999.12.06
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人