发明名称 Biocatalysi's plant for the sinergetic treatment of waste water
摘要 This particular purification system consists in application of the Biocatalytic process, in synergism with micro-organisms of marine origin, for biodegradation of any type of polluting substance. The system consists in a series of one or more tanks, forming part of the <u>first treatment phase</u>; Detoxifying Dynamic Equalisation (Equal-Detox) obtained by using the "Air-Lift" system through air micronisation delivered in a circular or pyramid shaped funnel located on the tank's bottom of the well. This tank can also consist in a series of wells in unidirectional communication with each other. The first aerobic pre-digestion and homogenising-detoxifying phase is followed by a <u>second treatment phase</u> (biocavitation), during which digestion is completed thanks to the bio-catalyst, which has an osmotic, enzymatic, chemo/photosynthetic and hypermetabolic effect. The purifying biomass, after a suitable retention time (hyperactive sludge), flows into a sedimentation tank, from which it is re-circulated both part into the biocavitation tank and part into the Equal-Detox series of tanks. If necessary, required for re-used water, it is possible to provide a <u>third phase</u> (optional) of phyto-purification by microalgae (lagoon with fountain) before returning to the natural outside environment or better recycled.
申请公布号 AU2000900(A) 申请公布日期 2000.07.31
申请号 AU20000020009 申请日期 1999.12.23
分类号 C02F3/12;C02F3/22 主分类号 C02F3/12
代理机构 代理人