发明名称 Process and assembly to treat residential waste water by capillary action between filter layer and drainage zone
摘要 In a waste water ground filter consists of a filter layer on top of a drainage layer. The two layers are separated by a boundary layer with a relief profile. The drainage layer is raised above the drainage pipes and the lower side of the filter layer is deeper between the drainage pipes, creating an inclined capillary suction layer. A waste water ground filter consists of a filter layer on top of a drainage layer. The two layers are separated by a boundary layer with a relief profile. The drainage layer is raised above the drainage pipes and the lower side of the filter layer is deeper between the drainage pipes, creating an inclined capillary suction layer. The height difference between the top and bottom of the capillary suction layer is greater than the capillary rising height in the filter layer when, at its field capacity. The typical filter charge depth on the filter upper face with respect to the maximum retained depth, is greater than the de-watering pressure capillary margin in the lower part of the filter layer. The drainage system is subjected to either pressure or suction in comparison with the atmosphere.
申请公布号 DE19950936(A1) 申请公布日期 2000.06.21
申请号 DE1999150936 申请日期 1999.10.21
分类号 C02F3/04;(IPC1-7):C02F1/00 主分类号 C02F3/04
代理机构 代理人