摘要 <p>A fiber classing device (20) having a sample window (14) for viewing a fiber sample (12). A light source (18) provides light (16) that is directed toward and reflected (34) by the fiber sample. A photo sensitive detector (10) is positioned to receive the reflected light, and it detects lightness, redness, and yellowness of the fiber sample. Processing means (30) assign a preliminary grade to the fiber sample based at least in part on the lightness and yellowness of the fiber sample. The processing means also selectively adjust the preliminary grade to a final grade based at least in part on the redness of the fiber sample. The photo sensitive detector has one or more of a spectrometer (28), a camera (38), or a set of three photo diodes (32, 26, 36). A first photo diode detects light with a wavelength of between about 505 nanometers and about 605 nanometers, corresponding to the lightness of the fiber sample. A second photo diode detects light with a wavelength of between about 430 nanometers and about 530 nanometers, corresponding to the yellowness of the fiber sample. The third photo diode detects light with a wavelength of between about 550 nanometers and about 650 nanometers, corresponding to the redness of the fiber sample. The processing means analyzes the information from the photo sensitive detector to determine the mean redness, variance in lightness, variance in redness, variance in yellowness, contrast in lightness, percent of yellow spots, and contrast in yellowness of the fiber sample. The selective adjustment from the preliminary grade to the final grade is based at least in part on these parameters.</p>
申请公布号 WO2000008448(A1) 申请公布日期 2000.02.17
申请号 IB1999001376 申请日期 1999.08.03
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人