发明名称 System and method for streaming multimedia data
摘要 A multimedia system and method for providing consistent playback performance across a variety of playback system and network configurations. The multimedia system and method includes an authoring tool element, an interleaver element, and a playback interpreter element. The authoring tool is used by an author build a presentation script specifying images and/or sounds and times for their playback. The authoring tool determines whether the images and/or sounds can be delivered for playback at the specified times within the bandwidth specified by the author. An interleaver element is used to compress and combine images and sounds data from existing multimedia data elements into an interleaved playback data stream for delivery of a multimedia presentation within the author-specified bandwidth. The playback interpreter element is used to deinterleave, decompress and interpret the playback data stream in a timed, coordinated manner to provide consistent predictable playback performance. The playback interpreter element includes event handling software for monitoring events and initiating branching or other conditioned performances based on conditional statements extracted from the playback data stream during run-time.
申请公布号 US5995091(A) 申请公布日期 1999.11.30
申请号 US19960644204 申请日期 1996.05.10
分类号 H04N7/24;(IPC1-7):G06T1/00 主分类号 H04N7/24
代理机构 代理人