发明名称 Method and device for operating a reactor in an unstable state
摘要 A transiently unstable state of a boiling-water reactor is damped by measuring the oscillating neutron flux and, after a first threshold value is exceeded over a plurality of oscillation periods, the rate of increase of the oscillation is determined. Depending on the slope of the increase, and after a further threshold value (in particular one dependent on the rate of increase) for the oscillating flux is exceeded, a selection is made which one of various stabilization strategies for damping the oscillation should be triggered before a SCRAM becomes necessary. A hierarchy of stabilization strategies is available: blocking a power increase, for instance, in the control system, controlled slow reduction of the power, or rapid power reduction by a "partial SCRAM". The monitoring of the unstable state is effected with a system of sensors strategically distributed throughout the core and which redundantly measure the flux in one region of the core. The sensors act on a plurality of redundantly operating systems, and the signal from each sensor is effective in only one of the redundant systems.
申请公布号 US5978429(A) 申请公布日期 1999.11.02
申请号 US19980185848 申请日期 1998.11.04
分类号 G21C17/00;G05B9/02;G05B23/02;G21C7/00;G21D3/00;G21D3/08;(IPC1-7):G21D3/08 主分类号 G21C17/00
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