发明名称 Electronic system for competitively buying/answering
摘要 Electronic system for competitively buying and answering, comprising computer, interface controller, competitively buying controller and matrix scanning competitively buying circuit; the interface controller comprising bus buffering circuit, decoding circuit, row scanning controlling circuit and interface; the competitively buying controller row scanning driving circuit, column signal input circuit, interface etc., the matrix scanning competitively buying circuit comprising plurality of m signal lines arranged in rows, plurality of n signal lines arranged in columns and plurality of mxn competitively answering switches. The system having two man functions: 1. simultaneously monitoring the state in which several tens of people or hundred of people are competitively buying/answering, correctly determining whether the competitively buying is valid or not on time without error and displaying the position of the person who has pressed the switches on television device and/or on large screen; 2. accumulating how many persons have pressed the switches during a given period and displaying the result on television device and/or on large screen.
申请公布号 AU2710599(A) 申请公布日期 1999.09.27
申请号 AU19990027105 申请日期 1999.03.12
分类号 G06F19/00;G06Q40/00 主分类号 G06F19/00
代理机构 代理人