发明名称 Method and device for converting internet protocol addresses
摘要 Method and device for transporting data traffic using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) between a local host (7) and a global host (4), in which method and device, using a table, a local IP address of the local host is converted into a global first IP address of the local network in outgoing IP packets, and a global first IP address is converted into a local IP address in the case of incoming IP packets. In this table, a row is allocated for the global first IP address (6) of the local network (2) and a column is allocated for the second IP address (5) of the global host (4), and the local IP address (8) is placed in a free field of the table, corresponding to the connection. As a result, it is possible to set up a large number of connections between local hosts and global hosts, making use of one or more global first IP addresses of the local network.
申请公布号 AU1512199(A) 申请公布日期 1999.06.28
申请号 AU19990015121 申请日期 1998.12.04
分类号 H04L29/12 主分类号 H04L29/12
代理机构 代理人