摘要 <p>The TASER® alternative (10) uses electronic stun capability in combination with a landmine housing (12) and deployment system. Although the TASER® non-lethal area denial device (10) would cause no deaths or injuries if accidentally triggered by friendly forces, it can also be permanently disabled when no longer needed, by remotely using a secure code to shut down the TASER® system. When triggered, the device (10) launches darts in multiple directions at 10 or 20 degree intervals in a direction generally facing the enemy. The darts temporarily incapacitate any persons within an inch of the darts by causing uncontrollable spasms of the near surface motor control muscles causing temporary loss of the subject's motor control functions. A timing circuit (37) keeps the subjects incapacitated until they can be taken into custody by nearby troops. After the very low power signal is turned off, the subject will recover in minutes. The device (10) may be remotely shut down permanently via an encrypted security code.</p>
申请公布号 WO1999030968(A1) 申请公布日期 1999.06.24
申请号 US1998019514 申请日期 1998.09.17
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人