摘要 <p>An artificial capillary testing apparatus (ACTA) is provided for evaluation of gas transport/exchange properties of a fluid. A sample fluid, having a known or measured partial gas pressure, is introduced from a gas-tight dispenser into an artificial capillary of known diameter located within an exchange chamber containing a flowing exchange gas. The artificial capillary is formed from a permeable material which permits gas exchange between the interior and exterior of the capillary. After exit from the artificial capillary, the effluent fluid is collected in a gas-tight collection cell, then removed from the apparatus to a gas analyzer to measure partial gas pressure. The dispenser, exchange chamber and collection cell are all enclosed within a temperature controlled cabinet. Flowmeters and other measurement devices can be inserted along the pathway upstream and/or downstream of the artificial capillary to provide additional data. The amount of target gas transferred out of the capillary for a given length is calculated as a function of the gas diffusion constant, the partial gas pressure gradient, the capillary radius and length, the flow rate, and the distribution of gas in its various phases. For use in measurement of oxygen transport properties of hemoglobin in blood or blood-substitutes, the apparatus in maintained at body temperature (37 °C) by providing temperature monitoring and controlling apparatus within the cabinet. For evaluation of hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers, an empirical diffusion constant is calculated as a function of the diffusion in O2 partial pressure at the capillary, the Hb concentration, the flow rate, the known oxygen equilibrium curve (OEC) of the sample and the cross-sectional area and length of the capillary. Alternatively, if the diffusion constant of the sample is known, the OEC can be calculated.</p>
申请公布号 WO1999021002(A1) 申请公布日期 1999.04.29
申请号 US1998021813 申请日期 1998.10.16
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人