发明名称 Method of executing perform locked operation instructions for supporting recovery of data consistency if lost due to processor failure, and a method of recovering the data consistency after processor failure
摘要 Provides a processor method of executing instances of a Perform Locked Operation (PLO) instruction for enabling a recovery of the consistency of a resource unit being changed by a PLO instance when processor failure occurs anywhere during execution of the PLO instance. The method uses a PLO save area for each processor in a computer system capable of executing PLO instructions. Each PLO save area has a resource-inconsistency (RI) indicator having an RI state and a non-RI state, and stores the function code (FC) of the PLO instance. The RI state indicates that the resource is in a non-usable potentially inconsistent state, and the non-RI state indicates the resource is in the consistent state and may be used. A processor executing a PLO instance writes into its PLO save area all resource addresses where a change is to be made in the resource unit, and also writes in its PLO save area all operand values which will be used to change the resource at the associated addresses. After the processor has successfully written all of these addresses and associated operand data values into its PLO save area, the processor sets its RI indicator to the RI state, and then stores into the resource unit the data values stored in its PLO save area at the resource addresses also stored in its PLO save area, according to the FC also stored therein. After completing all changes in the resource, the processor sets its RI indicator to the non-RI (resource consistent) state. If the processor should ever fail while executing a PLO instance, it signals its failing condition to the system. Then, a RCR method is executed by any operational processor (acting as a RCR processor) to recover the consistency of the resource unit. The RCR method uses the state of the RI indicator with the failed processor's PLO save area, the FC stored therewith, and the content of the failed processor's PLO save area to restore the consistency of the resource unit.
申请公布号 US5895494(A) 申请公布日期 1999.04.20
申请号 US19970924890 申请日期 1997.09.05
分类号 G06F11/22;(IPC1-7):G06F12/00 主分类号 G06F11/22
代理机构 代理人