摘要 <p>A germicidal absorptive material for use in surgical packings, sanitary tampons and similar uses is provided by a sponge-like matrix of polyvinyl alcohol-acetal copolymer to which is tightly bound a germicidal disinfectant dye. Polyvinyl alcohol-acetal polymer shows exceptional avidity for a number of disinfectant dyes, both acidic and basic, such as methylene blue and gentian violet. Consequently, sponges of this material containing disinfectant dye release no dye to an aqueous solution. The material is generally a porous matrix that release no particles or fines into wounds or body orifices. Presence of bound disinfectant dye allows the sponge to inhibit bacterial growth in a number of different situations. Several common bacteria are killed by being incubated in the presence of an embodiment of the invention which contains both methylene blue and gentian violet.</p>
申请公布号 WO1999013921(A2) 申请公布日期 1999.03.25
申请号 US1998019294 申请日期 1998.09.15
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人