摘要 <p>A system including a set of software based Explorers, and a computer assisted methodology support the development of new medical interventions for diseases. The system includes Explorer modules for discovering proposed interventions, designing clinical trials, performing pharmacoeconomic analysis, and illustrating disease progression for various patients over time including creating disease progression tutorials for patients. The Explorers support a bottom-up or data driven methodology that enables a user, such as medical researcher, to mine data sources of clinical, biologic, expert or other types of data to discover, test, evaluate and understand a proposed intervention and its impact on disease progression in different patient types. A Target Discovery Explorer assists the user in identifying leverage points in disease progression in relationship to various patient attributes and interventions, thereby identifying a proposed intervention for the disease. A Clinical Trials Explorer assists the user in designing clinical trials based through identification of combinations of patient attributes and intervention attributes that yield efficacious changes in selected disease progression measures. A Pharmacoeconomic Explorer enables the user to determine relative costs-benefits of a proposed intervention for patients, practitioners, and payers, including quality of life results for patients, pratice results for practitioners, and financial payment results for payers. A Disease Progression Explorer enables the user to visually project disease progression for specified patient attributes and interventions, in order to better understand and explain the effects of an intervention on a disease for such patients and their practitioners, and to select disease progression tutorials that are directed to the specific patient attributes and their corresponding effect on disease progression over time.</p>
申请公布号 WO1998049647(A1) 申请公布日期 1998.11.05
申请号 US1998008915 申请日期 1998.04.30
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人