摘要 <p>The invention is related to the toys, forming geometric forms without additional, auxiliary elements and also may be used in the medical purposes as a psychological element. The task of the invention is the rising of the taking up and the development of the spatial colourful imagination for the removal of the psychological discomfort. The essence of the invention is that the elements made in the aspect of the gathering plates installing on the pivot with the capacity of the axleing rotation, the transversing moving but butt-ends and cuts of the plates selected by the colour by the segments. The invention may be used as a brooch of keys. The toy simultaneously is a friction for the development of the dexterity and the sense of the fingers. Constructing the ribbing form of the toy we may use it as a massage, riding it between the palm of the hand and the definite parts of the body.</p>
申请公布号 WO1998033567(A1) 申请公布日期 1998.08.06
申请号 KZ1997000005 申请日期 1997.10.02
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人