发明名称 Transparent plastic staircase - with a central column and spiral treads
摘要 <p>The staircase is fabricated entirely of transparent or translucent plastic and consists of a central load bearing column with successive cylindrical elements between the stair treads whose inside edges are seated in the column and a hand rail of curved sheet forming a cylinder with the same axis as the column, the hand rail being attached to the outer ends of the treads. A prefd. material is polymethylmethacrylate. The cylindrical column is buried in the ground and pref. attached to the flooring by a steel collar surrounding the bottom cylindrical element. Each tread may enclose a cylindrical element of reduced diameter embedded in the successive sections of the column. Previous plastic staircases have used a conventional load bearing column. The use of a transparent plastic column gives the visual advantage of a staircase totally in plastic material.</p>
申请公布号 FR2082686(A5) 申请公布日期 1971.12.10
申请号 FR19700010470 申请日期 1970.03.24
分类号 E04F11/032;(IPC1-7):04F11/00 主分类号 E04F11/032
代理机构 代理人