摘要 PURPOSE:To store pressure solvent effectively by mounting a filter under a solvent container with high pressure resistance and sending the solvent to a liquid feeding pump through the filter. CONSTITUTION:A gas cylinder 16 is connected to the gas intake 5 of the pres sure reservoir 17, a solvent tank 15 is connected to the solvent intake 6, and the fine amount liquid feed pump 18 is connected to the solvent feed intake 14. Then the changeover lever 7 of the reservoir 17 is operated to select a next state. When the solvent is stored in the solvent container and sent to the pump, the gas intake 5 of a stator 1 is connected to a center stator through hole 8 by the communication groove 13 of a rotor 2 to admit pressure gas to the solvent container and pressure is applied inside to send the solvent to the pump through the filter. When the pressure in the solvent container is re leased, the stator through hole 8 of the stator 1 is connected to a gas discharge outlet 3 through the groove 13 of the rotor 2. Then, when the solvent is admitted to the solvent container, the internal gas is discharged as the solvent is admitted to the solvent container from one stator through hole 8.
申请公布号 JP2675151(B2) 申请公布日期 1997.11.12
申请号 JP19890192183 申请日期 1989.07.25
申请人 发明人
分类号 G01N30/26;B01D15/08 主分类号 G01N30/26
代理机构 代理人