摘要 A slot-token protocol for establishing and terminating data-links over a serial bus shared by multiple devices with low overhead, no supporting hardware, a low collision rate, and fast collision resolution. Of the devices sharing the serial bus, one device is designated as the master device with the remaining devices being designated as slave devices. The master device is responsible for controlling allocation of the serial bus between each of the slave devices so that only one slave device controls the bus at a time. The master device achieves this by requiring slave devices to submit bus requests before the requesting slave device is allocated control over the serial bus. In addition, a busy bus line may be included to reduce the likelihood of a data collision on the serial bus by connecting the master and slave devices with a bus busy line and allowing a slave device to signal to the other slave devices over the bus busy line that it intends to transmit a bus request. A protocol manager associated with the master device and each slave device synchronizes the operation of the master and slave devices by the implementation of specific state logic. Further, the master device is responsible for resolving bus collisions when multiple slave devices attempt to transmit bus requests at the same time over the serial and their bus request collide.
申请公布号 WO9732273(A2) 申请公布日期 1997.09.04
申请号 WO1997IB00334 申请日期 1997.02.19
分类号 G06F13/42 主分类号 G06F13/42
代理机构 代理人