摘要 <p>A carton (10) is filled with IQF grated cheese at a filling station and then moved to a packing station on a shaking table (11), with the carton held between the side walls (12 and 13). A ram (15) attached to side wall (12) moves the side wall firmly against the carton and clamps the carton in place. The shaking table (11) commences to shake or vibrate from the action of the pneumatic ram (25) situated below to settle within the carton. At the same time as the shaking table (11) is shaking or vibrating, the pressure plate (35), situated directly above the carton in an incremental way, 20 psi (ram air pressure), then 40 psi, then 60 psi, then 80 psi, then 100 psi. This method maximises the packing density of the IQF grated cheese.</p>
申请公布号 WO1997017257(A2) 申请公布日期 1997.05.15
申请号 NZ1996000123 申请日期 1996.11.05
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人