摘要 <p>A waterproof double fastener with integrated zip and waterproof fastener parts is disclosed. The zip fastener part is attached to the separate parts of a fastener-mounted object, while the waterproof fastener part is joined to the zip fastener part so that the waterproof fastener part overlaps the zip fastener part. The zip and waterproof fastener parts may be provided with respetive sliding pieces and be separately fastened by the sliding pieces. Alternatively, the zip and waterproof fastener parts may be commonly fastened by one integrated sliding piece. The integrated sliding piece has two types of fastening channels corresponding to the zip and waterproof fastener parts. The tapes with two rows of teeth-like parts of the zip fastener part are made of a woven fabric, which is produced by weaving conventional synthetic fiber yarns and thermoplastic synthetic resin yarns as the warps and wefts.</p>
申请公布号 WO1997007702(A1) 申请公布日期 1997.03.06
申请号 KR1996000144 申请日期 1996.08.22
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人