发明名称 System and methods for optimizing compiled code according to code object participation in program activities
摘要 A development system having a compiler, a linker, an interface, and a code packing optimization module is described. The compiler generates or "compiles" source listings into object modules, which may be linked or combined with other object modules (e.g., stored in "library" files) to create an executable program. The optimization module embodies activity-based methods for generating a profile bitmap for a program of interest, to identify related code objects (i.e., procedures, functions, routines, and the like) based on clustering of activity bit signatures, so that related ones may be packed together in the executable program. A run of a program to be optimized is divided into a plurality of activities, typically those which are core to the operation of the program. A profile bitmap of the program is generated by running the target program through the various activities: for each code object "hit" during an activity a corresponding bit is set. In this manner, a bit signature is generated for each code object indicating which activities the code object has participated in. These patterns are then ordered, for identifying code objects of the program which should be clustered together. Given this order, related procedures may be located in contiguous or near-contiguous pages of the program by ordering them based on their bitmap signatures. In this manner, the efficiency of information retrieval operations (e.g., disk access, caching, and the like) is maximized.
申请公布号 US5579520(A) 申请公布日期 1996.11.26
申请号 US19940242561 申请日期 1994.05.13
分类号 G06F9/445;(IPC1-7):G06F9/45 主分类号 G06F9/445
代理机构 代理人