发明名称 Traction apparatus and method
摘要 A traction apparatus and method for remodeling a human subject's spinal posture toward an ideal normal static spinal model includes a rectangular frame within which the subject is supported on a knee rest and a pelvic rest. A traction belt is placed around the subject's pelvis from behind and anchored to a rear vertical column of the frame. A shoulder harness is applied from behind and also anchored in the same manner. A traction belt is placed around the dorsolumbar region from the front, and secured to a front vertical column of the frame. A rigid curved fulcrum is placed behind the cervical spine from the front and secured to the front column, either directly or via a pulley mounted on a horizontal toprail of the frame. A head halter is applied over the forehead and under the chin from behind and is secured to the rear vertical column, either directly or via a pulley mounted on the horizontal toprail of the frame. An occipital sling is placed underneath the occiput and secured to the front vertical column of the frame via a pulley mounted on the horizontal toprail. Adequate tension is applied to the pelvic and dorsolumbar belts, shoulder harness, cervical fulcrum, head halter, and occipital sling as necessary to achieve the desired rheologic effect.
申请公布号 US5575765(A) 申请公布日期 1996.11.19
申请号 US19950579206 申请日期 1995.12.28
分类号 A61F5/04;A61F5/055;A61H1/00;(IPC1-7):A61F5/00 主分类号 A61F5/04
代理机构 代理人