发明名称 Method for the display, analysis, classification, and correlation of electrical brain function potentials
摘要 An actuarial method for statistically determining the probable truth or falsity of a statement concerning a human subject and whether responses or statements made by the subject precede either a knowing representation by the subject of a truth or a lie. The method enables the correlation of a video image of a human subject, including mannerisms of the human subject, a selected plurality of eclectroencephalographic signals gathered from a plurality of electrodes located at specific points on the head of the subject, and a simultaneous detection or display of the subject's responses from a single video monitor combined with a computer analysis of the electroencephalographs to determine the subject's knowledge regarding a fact, a personal experience, and/or the truth or falsity of a particular statement by using a set of regression equations which establish before-truth, before-lie, during-truth, and during-lie base actuarial profiles for correlation and comparative analysis via computer. A system provides remote audio communication between the human subject and an examiner, a computer for analyzing electroencephalographic responses of the subject and comparing same with the base acturial profiles is provided and connected for receiving and sending a video image of the subjects face onto a portion of a monitor while simultaneously processing, sending and displaying the plurality of brain electrical waves on a another portion of the monitor. The electrical signals from the subject's brain are acquired using a novel disposable elastic skull cap with 19 electrodes pre-inserted in the cap in pre-selected positions. The computer digitizes each electrical signal over a unit of time and compares digitized signals for different epochs of times with the signals generated from selected epochs serving as actuarial base line signals.
申请公布号 US5564433(A) 申请公布日期 1996.10.15
申请号 US19940359183 申请日期 1994.12.19
分类号 A61B5/0476;A61B5/16;(IPC1-7):A61B5/04 主分类号 A61B5/0476
代理机构 代理人