发明名称 User interface for dynamically converting between a single top level window and multiple top level windows
摘要 A central processing (CPU) is coupled both to a display that displays graphic and other data and to a pointer control device that permits a user to selectively position a pointer at a desired location on the display, and to signal the CPU of user selections. The CPU displays a parent window including a plurality of child windows which comprises a video conference application having a control panel window, a remote window and a local window as child windows. A function in the control panel, identified as a "ungroup" button function, may be selected by a user. The placement of the pointer over the ungroup button function and activation of the button function results in the CPU creating two new top level windows. The CPU reparents the remote and local child windows to the two new top level windows and displays the top level windows with the child windows on the display, thereby ungrouping the three child windows originally disposed within a single top level window. In the multiple window mode, a "group" button function may be selected by a user, the activation of which results in the CPU hiding the top level windows which will lose their child windows in the grouping operation. The CPU then reparents the child windows to a single top window. The remote and local child windows are reparented back to the top level window including the control panel child window. The CPU then displays the single top level window with the associated child windows disposed therein.
申请公布号 US5544300(A) 申请公布日期 1996.08.06
申请号 US19930151551 申请日期 1993.11.12
分类号 G06F3/033;G06F3/048;(IPC1-7):G06F3/14 主分类号 G06F3/033
代理机构 代理人