摘要 <p>An improved rearview mirror system for vehicles is disclosed. In the above mirror system, a movable lens unit (V) is mounted to the rear portion of the vehicle, while either a paraboloidal or ellipsoidal reflector (M) is mounted to the front portion of the vehicle. The paraboloidal and ellipsoidal reflectors (M) have a paraboloid of revolution and an ellipsoid of revolution, respectively. The mirror system reflects the traffic conditions behind the vehicle without any distortions of the image, thus giving a good rear view to the driver. The mirror system allows the driver to have a wide rear view, which can be expected when the driver directly views the traffic conditions behind the vehicle through the rear windshield. The mirror system also gives the wide rear view to the driver regardless of passengers sitting in the back seats, thereby allowing the driver to drive the vehicle more safely.</p>
申请公布号 WO1996015921(A1) 申请公布日期 1996.05.30
申请号 KR1995000152 申请日期 1995.11.21
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人