摘要 <p>A modulation scheme and system, compatible with both the asynchronous IRDA mode and the synchronous mode of IR communication, involves Non-Return-to-Zero-Inverted (NRZI) and Flash pulse encoding in conjunction with zero-bit stuffing. A digital data stream has a zero-bit inserted therein, before NRZI format encoding, whenever five consecutive one's are detected in the stream to enable the controller to distinguish the data from flags, which are exempt from the zero-bit insertion, and to provide enough transitions in the data so that the demodulator's digital phase lock loop can stay locked independent of the data contents. A Flash pulse (of from 3/16 to 8/16 of bit cell width, depending on the data rate) is generated whenever a transition is detected in the NRZI formatted data. The result, in keeping with IRDA modulation, is that a Flash pulse is generated whenever a zero occurs in the data stream. On the demodulation side, whenever a Flash pulse is received, the level of the receive line is toggled resulting in an output in NRZI format. Using this modulation scheme with a serial controller which supports NRZI and bit-stuffing, a system may be constructed that uses the controller's phase lock loop to send and receive data synchronously, since by ensuring that a zero will be received at least once every seven bits, and using NRZI to feed the phase lock loop, the receiver is able to remain in phase with the data being received and the DC component is effectively removed.</p>
申请公布号 WO1996012364(A1) 申请公布日期 1996.04.25
申请号 EP1995003633 申请日期 1995.09.15
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人