发明名称 Hydrangea plant named 'Frau Reiko'
摘要 This invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar of Hydrangea macrophylla subsp. macrophylla var. normalis (Thunb.) named 'Frau Reiko' which originated as a seedling from the inventor's controlled hybridization of the cultivars Hydrangea macrophylla and Hydrangea macrophylla DC var. hortensia 'Silver-Edge'. 'Frau Reiko' is a lace cap Hydrangea characterized by an inflorescence consisting predominently of non-sepalous florets in the center with some open florets on the perimeter. The non-sepalous buds open to provide a pink or violet background to the exposed white pollen. The color of the sepalous buds, is predominately blue or pink with narrow delineated, finely serrated white edges. The pigmentation begins at the apex and fades slightly as it progresses across the length and width of the sepals, and then turns white 5 mm or less from edge. Dark pigmentation ocassionally reaches the edge of the sepal the apex. The sepals are also characterized by their finely serrate edges. The new variety of Hydrangea as described herein is characterized by its form of inflorescence, pattern of pigmentation in the sepals, compact growth habit, the ease with which it can be forced in a greenhouse, and its long lasting flowers.
申请公布号 US9500(P) 申请公布日期 1996.04.09
申请号 US19950412975 申请日期 1995.03.29
分类号 A01H5/02;(IPC1-7):A01H5/00 主分类号 A01H5/02
代理机构 代理人