发明名称 A geodetic coding system
摘要 The present invention provides for a Natural Area Coding System based upon the natural coordinates of longitude and latitude. The system comprises a character string of n characters for the longitude and a second character string of n characters for the latitude of a particular location, each of the characters in each of the strings being selected from one of a number of possible characters. The natural area code can be obtained generally using the above algorithm where Longitude=180+Longitude East OR 180-Longitude West, or Longitude=Longitude East OR 360-Longitude West, or Longitude=180+Longitude West OR 180-Longitude East, or Longitude=Longitude West OR 360-Longitude East, and Latitude=90+Latitude North OR 90-Latitude South, or Latitude=90+Latitude South OR 90-Latitude North, F( <SIGN> ) = Nearest whole number of ( <SIGN> ) with x0=y0=0.5 OR Integer part of ( <SIGN> ) with x0=y0=0, (a) sums the terms only when q>1, otherwise equals to zero. A is the number of characters in the character set. n and m are the number of characters in the longitude and latitude character string respectively. The resultant code will be X1X2X3...Xn Y1Y2...Ym, where X1,X2,...,Xn are the natural area code symbols corresponding to the integers x1,x2,...,xn, similarly for Y1,Y2,...,Ym. In the preferred embodiment of the invention, m and n are 4 and A is 30 using the ten digits, 0 to 9 and the capital consonants of the English letters as the character set, resulting in an 8-character code for each ara of the earth smaller than 50 meters in longitudinal direction and 25 meters in latitudinal direction for the whole world.
申请公布号 AU3249895(A) 申请公布日期 1996.03.22
申请号 AU19950032498 申请日期 1995.08.31
分类号 B07C3/00;G09B29/00;G09B29/10 主分类号 B07C3/00
代理机构 代理人