摘要 <p>The navigation apparatus with improved attitude determination is intended for use on a mobile platform. It combines data from a platform inertial navigation unit and carrier phase data for a plurality of GPS satellite signals received at a plurality of receiving points on the platform for the purpose of obtaining estimates of the navigation states of the platform. The navigation apparatus comprises a processor which computes estimates of the states from inputs comprising (1) one or more measured phase double-differences calculated from the measured satellite signal carrier phases, (2) the estimated position of the platform, (3) the estimated positions of the receiving points, and (4) the positions of the satellites, a phase double-difference being defined as the difference in phase differences for signals received from two satellites and a phase difference being defined as the difference in carrier phase of a satellite signal received at two receiving points. The navigation and attitude determination solution is obtained by means of a Kalman filter process wherein the observables comprise measured phase double-differences and each predicted phase double-difference is obtained by operating on the Kalman state vector with an observation matrix defined by linearizing the equations relating the phase double-difference to the navigation states.</p>
申请公布号 WO1996008730(A1) 申请公布日期 1996.03.21
申请号 US1995012013 申请日期 1995.09.11
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人