发明名称 Arbetsplattform för trappor
摘要 An adjustable platform arrangement for angled stairs or curved stairs includes a generally rectangular platform (10). One long side (11) of the plarform is intended to lie along the rearward edge (71) of a stairstep. The short sides of the platform (10) have a length which is smaller than the length of the long side (11). The short sides will preferably have a length of about 40 cm and the long sides will prefereably have a lenght of about 75 cm. At each end of the long side distance from the stairstep (7) which supports the platform (10) is an adjustable support leg (21) which extends in a plane normal to the platform surface and which can be locked selectively in an axially extended position. As a result of the dimensioning of the platform, the support leg (21) at the inner curve of a step need not have a greater length beneath the platform surface than about 51 cm, which provides the platform with good stability and also room for placing a stepladder steadily on the platform.
申请公布号 SE502843(C2) 申请公布日期 1996.01.29
申请号 SE19940004276 申请日期 1994.12.08
分类号 E04G1/36;E06C7/44;(IPC1-7):E04G1/36 主分类号 E04G1/36
代理机构 代理人