摘要 <p>An automatic dual bobbin mechanism is provided. A housing (1) containing two bobbins oriented side-by-side (10 and 11) with the sewing needle (4) passing through a needle pocket between the bobbin pair replaces the conventional single bobbin configuration. The bobbin pair acts in a tag-team operation whereby one bobbin supplies the additional thread to be stitched into a fabric while the second bobbin is simultaneously being filled with thread from an external source. When the first bobbin is emptied, the bobbin pair is rotated 180° inside the housing. The second bobbin, now full, is in position to supply thread for continued stitching while the first bobbin is in position for refilling with thread supplied by the external source. A unique thread hook housing cap (2) is also provided which can automatically rethread the needle and cut bobbin thread from an external source.</p>
申请公布号 WO1996001778(A1) 申请公布日期 1996.01.25
申请号 US1994010480 申请日期 1994.09.16
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人