发明名称 Computer program debugging system and method
摘要 A program debugging system has a core unit that includes a plurality of debugger memory areas, each uniquely associated with a corresponding one of a plurality of debuggers. The core unit responds to an exception condition by selecting one debugger from the plurality of debuggers, selection being made by determining which one of the debuggers is associated with the program exception. Then, computer state information and debugger state information are stored into a selected one of the debugger memory areas that is exclusively associated with the selected debugger, and the selected debugger is activated. A new debugger may register with the core unit, so that the new debugger is added to the plurality of debuggers. The activated debugger may send a debugging command to the core unit, which responds by updating debugger state information based on the received debugging command, and storing the updated debugger state information into the selected debugger memory area. When a debugger relinquishes control of the computer, the core unit retrieves the updated debugger state information from the selected debugger memory area, and controls the hardware resources in accordance therewith. If the updated debugger state information includes an indication that a breakpoint is set, the core unit sets a breakpoint that includes information associating the set breakpoint with the selected debugger. When the breakpoint is triggered, the core unit identifies from the breakpoint information which of the debuggers the breakpoint is associated with, and activates the identified debugger.
申请公布号 AU2389495(A) 申请公布日期 1995.11.16
申请号 AU19950023894 申请日期 1995.04.18
分类号 G06F11/36 主分类号 G06F11/36
代理机构 代理人