发明名称 War game apparatus
摘要 A war game apparatus includes a game board which includes a map. The map depicts an area known as the Middle East and includes land areas and water areas, and a plurality of color coded three-dimensional game pieces which include ships placed on the water areas and which includes a plurality of color coded pieces placed on the land areas. The color coded land area pieces include a plurality of airplanes, a plurality of soldiers, a plurality of free men, a plurality of Scud missiles, a plurality of Scud missiles launchers, a plurality of Tomahawk missiles, and a plurality of Patriot missiles capable of being placed on the land areas. A pair of chance selection devices are provided for determining order of play among players. A plurality of instruction cards are provided for directing play action when a player takes a turn and selects instruction cards. A plurality of color coded territory cards are provided which correspond to color codes of the color coded game pieces. The land areas are designated as States. A Scud missile is capable of symbolically killing twenty percent of the soldiers on a land area it lands upon. A Patriot missile is capable of symbolically defending against a Scud missile and a Tomahawk missile. A Tomahawk missile can be symbolically fired from a ship and is capable of symbolically killing thirty percent of the soldiers on a land area it lands upon. An airplane can be placed on any land area owned by a player.
申请公布号 US5465973(A) 申请公布日期 1995.11.14
申请号 US19950400502 申请日期 1995.03.07
分类号 A63F1/04;A63F3/00;A63F9/04;(IPC1-7):A63F3/00 主分类号 A63F1/04
代理机构 代理人