发明名称 t display apparatus
摘要 An apparatus for creating a light display. The apparatus includes a display housing having at least one lens aperture and a light source for illuminating the interior of the housing with light having a specified wavelength. At least one light-collecting profile part capable of glowing when exposed to light of the specified wavelength is mounted within the display housing. A lens mounted in the lens aperture is provided for diffusing and scattering light associated with the light-collecting profile part. In an alternative embodiment, the invention provides an interactive light display toy for amusement. The toy includes a housing having a lens aperture and a canister aperture. A canister containing light-collecting profile parts is rotatably mounted at least partially within the housing. The canister has at least one side wall formed at least partially from a light-diffusing canister lens. A light source is provided for illuminating the interior portion of the canister, with light having a wavelength suitable for causing the profile parts to glow. A light-diffusing viewing lens rotatably mounted in the lens aperture allows light emitted through the canister lens by the light-collecting plastic profile parts to be scattered and diffused to create a pleasing viewing effect when the viewing lens and canister are rotated.
申请公布号 US5455755(A) 申请公布日期 1995.10.03
申请号 US19930100889 申请日期 1993.08.02
分类号 F21S10/00;F21V5/02;G09F19/12;(IPC1-7):F21V5/04;F21V9/00 主分类号 F21S10/00
代理机构 代理人