发明名称 Procédé de contrôle de copeaux et/ou fragments métalliques pour en éliminer des inclusions plus absorbantes aux rayons X .
摘要 The invention is a process for inspecting chips and/or fragments of metal or metal alloy to eliminate from them inclusions of a more X-ray absorbent material than the metal or alloy, wherein a field that delimits a portion of these chips and/or fragments is X-rayed. The process produces an X-ray image which is then converted into an electronic image. This image is analyzed in order to detect the inclusion(s) having features. The features include a background correction of the degree of illumination of each pixel in the field in the absence of chips and/or fragments, a field is covered with the portion of chips and/or fragments, and the electronic image is corrected by subtracting the background correction from the degree of illumination of each of its pixels, and the portion of chips and/or fragments is rejected if this corrected image contains at least one relative pixel corresponding to a chosen condition. Accordingly, the invention may be applied to recycling processes for metal or alloys in the fabrication of dependable parts.
申请公布号 FR2707111(B1) 申请公布日期 1995.08.18
申请号 FR19930008229 申请日期 1993.06.30
分类号 G01N23/04;G01N23/12;G01N33/20;G06T5/00 主分类号 G01N23/04
代理机构 代理人