发明名称 Method for on-site measurement of strobe light intensity on aircraft
摘要 A method and system for on-site measurement of strobe light intensity on an aircraft is disclosed, including the steps of orienting a photometric sensor toward the strobe light on the aircraft to be measured and determining the distance between the strobe light and the sensor. When the strobe light is operated, the photometric sensor detects light intensity based on transmittance from the strobe light. The detected light intensity is correlated with the distance between the sensor and the strobe light to generate a data reading representing an estimate of light intensity emanating from the strobe light. Each of these steps is repeated to determine additional data readings representing estimates of light intensity for the same light. The data is then stored in a memory storage means, such as a computer, and then processed to determine the average value of light intensity for the strobe light.
申请公布号 AU1526695(A) 申请公布日期 1995.08.01
申请号 AU19950015266 申请日期 1995.01.11
分类号 G01J1/42 主分类号 G01J1/42
代理机构 代理人