发明名称 Method and system for selectively applying an appropriate object ownership model
摘要 A method and system for applying an appropriate object ownership model is provided. In a preferred embodiment, an operating system selectively applies an object ownership model with which running programs are compatible. This permits programs designed to be used with operating systems that do not apply a rigorous object ownership model to be used with an operating system capable of applying a rigorous object ownership model. The method and system has both an automatic object deallocation phase and an object access control phase. In the automatic deallocation control phase, the method and system defers the automatic deallocation of objects owned by programs that are incompatible with automatic object deallocation until a later time at which no such programs are still running. Instead of immediately deallocating the objects owned by a terminating program, the method and system designates them for deferred deallocation. At a later time, the method and system checks to see whether any programs that are incompatible with automatic object deallocation are still running, and, if none are, the method and system deallocates all objects designated for deferred deallocation. In the object access control phase, the method and system allows special permissive access to objects owned by programs that are unable to authorize access to the object by other programs. Instead of denying access by a requesting program to an object owned by a program that is unable to authorize access to the object by other programs because it has not authorized any other programs to access the object, the method and system allows the requesting program to access the object.
申请公布号 US5432924(A) 申请公布日期 1995.07.11
申请号 US19930168633 申请日期 1993.12.15
分类号 G06F9/46;G06F9/44;(IPC1-7):G06F9/00 主分类号 G06F9/46
代理机构 代理人