摘要 <p>A urine meter has an inner V-shaped chamber (20) within an outer chamber (10), the inner chamber having an edge (23) over which liquid can overflow into the outer chamber. A hollow push rod (30) extends vertically and carries two frusto-conical seals (24 and 14), which are urged upwardly by a spring (39) against circular apertures (31 and 32) at the bottom of the inner and outer chambers, respectively. The upper end of the rod projects externally of the meter and has a push button (37) by which the seals (24 and 14) can be pushed down to allow urine to flow out of both chambers. The rod (30) is hollow, opening at its lower end (33) and opening at its upper end via a gas-permeable, liquid-impermeable plug (41). A further opening (34) towards the upper end of the rod opens inside the meter so that gas can vent through the plug and liquid can overflow externally of the meter via the lower end of the road.</p>
申请公布号 WO1995013016(A1) 申请公布日期 1995.05.18
申请号 GB1994002425 申请日期 1994.11.04
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人