摘要 <p>A machine tool control system that includes a controllable, movable tool for shaping a workpiece, a mechanism for receiving control instructions describing shaping functions to be performed on the workpiece, a processing unit and memory. The control system includes objects defined according to an object oriented design. One type of object is a model of a shaping process to be performed on a workpiece, including informational parameters regarding the physical dimensions of the shape resulting from the process. The process objects communicate through an object oriented messaging system to machine objects, which represent physical devices present on the CNC machine on which the control system operates. The system also includes object oriented motion control and exception handler objects, each of which may communicate with other object via object oriented messages. The control system permits easy modifications to the control system by persons with limited knowledge about the entire control system, and is readily adaptable to advances in new CNC machine tools.</p>
申请公布号 WO1995007504(A1) 申请公布日期 1995.03.16
申请号 US1994010029 申请日期 1994.09.07
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人